That go hard you will live to see manmade horrors beyond comprehension T-shirt

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Official That go hard you will live to see manmade horrors beyond comprehension T-shirt meaning:

Video Memorial Day Flowers foundation lays 50K flowers at Arlington Cemetery to honor fallen troops This Memorial Day, take a moment to remember the Official That go hard you will live to see manmade horrors beyond comprehension T-shirt but in fact I love this American women who died in combat. At first, their numbers were small. On the night of Feb. 10, 1944, Army nurse Lt. Ellen Ainsworth was hit by German artillery pinning down Allied forces on the Anzio, Italy, beachhead. Before Normandy, there was the Anzio landing, and it almost didn’t work. Anzio’s beach was nicknamed Hell’s Half Acre and allied forces were stalemated there for months. “One shell dropped within a few feet of the ward, its fragments piercing the tent in numerous places. Despite the extreme danger, she calmly directed the placing of (42) surgical patients on the ground to lessen the danger of further injury,” recorded Ainsworth’s official citation. “By her disregard for her own safety and her calm assurance, she instilled confidence in her assistants and her patients, thereby preventing serious panic and injury.” REP. DAN CRENSHAW: GOLD STAR FAMILIES’ MEMORIAL DAY – DEDICATED TO THOSE WHO CAN NEVER FORGET “Ainie” was already a veteran of the 1943 North Africa campaign. She had “friendly timidity and subtle charm,” according to her 1936 Glenwood City, Wisconsin, high school yearbook. Her other quality? Courage. More

Official That go hard you will live to see manmade horrors beyond comprehension T-shirt



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