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big breakthroughs came probably in this millennium,” Khudanpur said. “With the Official All this and a nice dick too T-shirt in addition I really love this rise of companies that successfully employed the kind of computerized agents to carry out routine tasks.” With the rise of smart speakers like Alexa, it has become even more common for people to chat with machines. “People are always upset when their bags get lost, and the human agents who deal with them are always stressed out because of all the negativity, so they said, ‘Let’s give it to a computer,'” Khudanpur said. “You could yell all you wanted at the computer, all it wanted to know is ‘Do you have your tag number so that I can tell you where your bag is?'” In 2008, for example, Alaska Airlines launched “Jenn,” a digital assistant to help travelers. In a sign of our tendency to humanize these tools, an early review of the service in The New York Times noted: “Jenn is not annoying. She is depicted on the Web site as a young brunette with a nice smile. Her voice has proper inflections. Type in a question, and she replies intelligently. (And for wise guys fooling around with the site who will inevitably try to trip her up with, say, a clumsy bar pickup line, she politely suggests getting back to business.)” Return to social chatbots, and social problems In the early 2000s, researchers began to revisit the development of social chatbots that could carry an extended conversation with humans. These chatbots are often trained on large

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