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Official Not my sheriff T-shirt

want to continue to collect more samples while ensuring that the Official Not my sheriff T-shirt Furthermore, I will do this ones we already have will be there beyond our lifetime. This includes making sure there is dedicated funding for liquid nitrogen [for freezing DNA] and replacement of the cryotanks as they age.” Marlys Houck, curator of the Frozen Zoo, has been working to save the northern white rhino from extinction, and is planning to use southern white rhinos as surrogates for northern white rhino embryos. “There are many challenges ahead, but researchers are optimistic that a northern white rhino calf could be born from these processes within 10 to 20 years,” she says. One of the main challenges will be convincing conservation agencies that cryobanking is a valid strategy and worth funding. “Many of us are doing this without any tangible support beyond donations or grants, with no national or government support,” says Yon. “Cryobanking is increasingly being recognized as a vital resource, so it’s a bit mystifying that there isn’t more funding support.” Read: Meet the women racing to save the northern white rhino from extinction Finally, all researchers agree that a tighter collaboration between all cryobanks is necessary to succeed. “The task is enormous, nobody can do this on their own,” says Matson. “There’s a million species at risk. We need 50 different genetic samples from each, so that means 50 million samples; for each of those, we need five vials for each sample, so that’s hundreds of millions of samples that need to be stored.” Ryder says he’s working to develop

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