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Official Dabbing unicorn dab Shirt

the Official Dabbing unicorn dab Shirt in contrast I will get this technologies that would make the best use of cell lines still need to be perfected. Related story: ‘If we can make a space station fly, we can save the planet’ “A lot of stuff that we want to do we can’t do yet,” says Tullis Matson of Nature’s Safe, a UK-based cryobank that collects live cells and gametes (sperm and eggs). He predicts that in the next 10 to 30 years it will be possible to turn these cells into pluripotent stem cells, which can be reprogrammed to produce sperm and eggs. Once that’s possible, an embryo could be created from the sperm and egg, and then implanted in a surrogate individual from an endangered species, once again providing much needed genetic diversity. Tullis Matson founded Nature’s Safe in November 2020. “It’s a safety net,” he says. The technique also opens up the prospect of reviving fully extinct species — by using surrogates from the most genetically similar surviving animals. “We do have cells preserved from extinct species, but that’s not really the reason we do this,” says Ryder. “We’ve been asked to preserve cells from some of the last individuals in a species — or literally the last individual — and we do that, but we don’t really expect that we’re going to be able to bring species back from extinction from a single animal.” The challenges ahead The accelerating climate crisis will put ecosystems under further pressure, making the work of cryobanks

Official Dabbing unicorn dab Shirt

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