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mind. She’s not sure how she’ll afford to keep the Official Do not enter I’m doing hot girl shit Shirt in addition I really love this heat on this winter to manage the symptoms connected to her fibromyalgia and arthritis. “I think the government thinks that we should just either starve to death or freeze to death,” said DeBurgo, who noted that she has never voted for the Conservatives and does not identify with a political party. DeBurgo is concerned about how she will keep her home heated in the winter as energy costs soar. Vine echoes such concerns. “Obviously we’re incredibly worried as the colder months come in because we do think it’s going to lead to more older people dying,” she said. Almost 10,000 people died in England and Wales in 2021 because their homes were too cold, according to the NHS. In a statement last week, NHS leaders warned of an impending “humanitarian crisis” if the government doesn’t address energy costs, saying that fuel poverty “will inevitably lead to significant extra demand on what are already very fragile services,” and could increase the number of annual deaths associated with cold homes. Hospitals in Britain are already close to buckling under the pressure, with older people especially vulnerable to gaps in service that include hospital waiting lists at a record high and a shortage of workers. In August, the country saw two examples of such failings. A 90-year-old woman reportedly waited 40 hours for an ambulance after falling at home in Cornwall, southwest England. Her son, Stephen Syms, posted on Facebook that she fell on a Sunday evening and that the ambulance arrived on Tuesday afternoon, and that his mother then waited another 20 hours to be seen by a doctor in the hospital. “The system is totally broken,” he told BBC Cornwall. has reached out to the Cornwall NHS Trust for comment. And in another incident in Cornwall, an 87-year-old man

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